I can’t remember where I found this quote, yet I just came back across it yesterday, and it hit me like a ton of bricks! Like wise, ancient wisdom that stops you in your tracks. Wisdom you are grateful for, yet when you first receive you are unclear what it means, and when you do understand, you’re unclear of how to use it, embody it or integrate it.
‘The portal to every next level is through the parts of yourself that you avoid’
I took on a very big and incredible project this summer that I thought would be at most 3 months of work… and we are still working on it.
At first, it frustrated me that ‘this was taking too long’, yet when I chose to stay grounded in my leadership and self-worth I could see and appreciate that I was exploring new terrain and definitely got to access new aspects of myself.
And what happened is… we created a new body of work called Self Worth Advantage®. I get a giggle because there have been a few moments during this project, where I pretended to not have the wisdom, worth, or access to this exact body of work, which let the frustration and impatience creep in. An older version of myself would have sabotaged the whole thing by grinding my team and support, grinding myself, and maybe even abandoning this new body of work altogether.
So when I read this quote yesterday, I knew it was the universe reminding me, in order to create something new, innovate and transform, we get to look in new places, and experiment with new things… including new emotions… well not new yet the ones we avoid feeling or expressing.
Here’s the key I’m really learning from this quote… when I accept all parts of me, the ‘new’ appears and I get there because the sky’s the limit and that’s the advantage of self-worth.
[PODCAST] The Advantage of Self-Worth for Leaders and Teams
This episode explores the fundamental relationship we have with ourselves and how it