Breaking Through Distractions While Working

If you live in the US, we are all distracted at this very moment for many reasons, and we all know the biggest reason is the election.

Companies are experiencing a drop in morale, engagement, productivity, and unity as a result of the constant election details, and there is a strong possibility this will carry on for longer than we hope or expect.

So what does this mean, especially in a year where a lot of companies are operating virtually, which has also impacted morale, engagement, and productivity?

At the core, distraction is an experience of letting multiple items take your attention, or a singular item takes your attention multiple times, most likely subconsciously. Due to this being an unprecedented time, now more than ever, the workplace, whether you’re virtual on in-person, gets to unite and move forward.

The foundation of our vision at EVOLVE is just that… vision. Vision for what you want and what’s possible in and beyond your workplace.

Here are a few ways to use your vision to break through distractions in the workplace and anchor into what matters to you and your company while also not discounting the intensity of our current affairs.

Set your people up for what they need

The only way to do this is to ask.

What resources have you made available for your company to address stress and anxiety?

What message have you shared with your people and your clients/customers?

Companies make mistakes with the business-as-usual mentality during unusual times. Nothing about this week has been usual, and one distraction does not cancel out the original distraction. Anyone who has been on social media has seen or posted something about stress or anxiety regarding this election cycle, especially if your workplace is virtual. The need for connection and conversation is high.

This is something you can approach as a team at the frequency of your choice. We suggest daily over the next week.

3 simple touchpoints to anchor in throughout the day

  • In the morning, connect with how people are feeling and create the space to address today’s objectives and deliverables. This can be 20-30 minutes before the official start of the day. This is not technically a business meeting, even though the business will happen. It’s an opportunity and container for connection, to give people the space to share how they are feeling or what they might need that day as they navigate through their work experience.
  • If possible, have lunch as a team to connect on what’s been created so far and what shifts or adjustments get to happen to be 100% complete with the day’s objectives and deliverables by the end of the day. We also recommend balancing out this time with tension relievers such as picking a song or short video clip that gets played during lunch, sharing stories, sharing recipes, tapping into a wellness practice such as 3 – 5 minutes of breathwork, stretching, visualization, etc. or celebrate wins whether they be recent or over the past year.
  • At the end of the day connect to recap results, and opportunities for tomorrow, and potentially share a list of things to experience after work such as shows, movies, books, podcasts, workouts, sights, shopping, activities, etc. This gives your people a touchpoint at the end of the day, which is what most people need during these times. Again this can be a 20-30 minute experience.

You can tailor the timing, frequency, and content of these 3 touchpoints to fit who you are and what you need as a team. You can also custom-design these touchpoints to be something completely different. The purpose is to connect and anchor in to not only ward off distraction but to also relieve stress and anxiety that may be lurking and stay focused on your vision.

We also suggest the touchpoints are not led by the same person each time. Rather, rotate who’s leading so everyone is using their voice and is anchored into what they need, what they created, and what’s possible.

At the end of the day, we know that 42% of U.S. workers have had political disagreements at work. And the resulting strife feeds an undercurrent of workplace stress and has the potential to jeopardize psychological safety. Gartner finds that 78% of people talk about politics while working, which can lead to a lack of focus, the pace of work slows down, and trust might be broken. Some people feel unwelcome or even discriminated against, which is especially true if they’re in the political minority on their team.

So it is up to you to interrupt the noise and distractions by creating a space for conversations, safety, and connection for your team to anchor into your individual visions and your company’s vision as a team.

Trust me, everyone is distracted by this election in some way, shape, or form.

Connect in, anchor in, and be part of the breakthrough your team needs at this moment.

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